

Level 0

O'sole Mio


There is no need to visit Italy to experience their mouthwatering dishes. You can now head straight to Citystars and live the Italian explosion of food straight from Napoli streets. Inspired by the famous Pavarroti-sung song, O’Sole Mio’s first branch opened in April 2018 at Nile City Towers Mall. After their great success, By Three Co. decided to bring the Italian experience to Citystars. It is time to encounter the outstanding senses you’ve always been searching for in Italian food. We guarantee the highest standards of food with the finest imported ingredients to complete your trip to Italy without getting into a plane. From the moment you dig into O’Sole Mio’s dishes you will immediately feel an aroma of herbs, steaming fresh vegetables and extra virgin olive oil that will awaken your senses and taste buds. The restaurant features simple yet elegant design and décor.